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Southwestern New Mexico Audubon Society (SWNMA)

  • Membership = $15 per year, per household
  • Includes subscription to bi-monthly newsletter The Ravens
  • Includes priority email notification of Birds & Brews programs(RSVP required)
  • Dues paid to SWNMA are used locally to support activities of this chapter:
    • Advocacy
    • Biological Diversity
    • Conservation
    • Education
    • Habitats
  • SWNMA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit chapter of the National Audubon Society
  • Our Federal Tax ID number is 81-4858303
  • Any additional Donation you can provide is greatly appreciated!

National Audubon Society (NAS)

  • Membership = $20 per year (minimum)
  • Includes a subscription to Audubon Magazine
  • Supports multiple NAS activities throughout the United States
  • Dues paid to NAS do not come to your local chapter
  • When you join NAS ONLINE, be sure to specify SWNMA Chapter Q50. NAS shares the Q50  mailing list with SWNMA. If you give NAS an email address we can add you to our local membership mailing list.

Already a NAS member? We hope you will join SWNMA, too!

You may join by filling out the MEMBERSHIP FORM and sending the form with your check for $15 payable to SWNM Audubon Society to:

SWNMAS, Membership Chair, PO Box 1473, Silver City, NM 88062

Or, click 'Buy Now' to purchase Membership via your PayPal account or with your Credit Card via PayPal.

You may add a Donation along with your Membership by using the drop-down options.

Membership/Donation Options

We exist because of your interest

Contact Us → swnmaudubon@gmail.com

Our Purpose & Goals

Southwestern New Mexico Audubon (SWNMA), is the oldest Audubon chapter in New Mexico with a 50-year history of working to protect birds, wildlife and their habitats. We are an all-volunteer organization with members in Grant, Luna, Hidalgo and Catron counties. All of our activities are widely advertised, free, and open to the public.

Audubon is NOT just for birds or bird watchers! We focus on education and advocacy rooted in sound science to protect the ecosystems that support wildlife and people.

Our Work, Past and Recent

  • Advocacy and action to protect the Gila River’s ecosystem. A major factor in the founding of our chapter was prevention of dams and diversions on the Gila River. Our work included well-researched conservation alternatives to piping water from the Gila to meet water supply needs.
  • Advocacy and action to protect the Gila National Forest. We provided input aimed at protecting birds and sensitive habitats throughout the 5-year process of the Forest Plan revision.
  • Advocacy and action to protect local trails. We published the Greenways, Silver City Guide to local, municipal trails.
  • Advocacy and action to protect native pollinators. Bird, Bee, Butterfly Friendly program: informational brochure and native plant give-away in cooperation with other local organizations in 2018 and 2019, and participation in creating the Pollinator Mural on Arizona Street in downtown Silver City.

Continuing Education & Outreach

→ Protection of the Gila River
Our Chapter worked along side GRIP and other River Advocate groups to take actions for protection of the riparian corridor, including three Important Bird Areas. We continue to support those local, state and federal advocacy activities.

→ Evening (online ZOOM) Programs
Our programs feature excellent presentations about a wide range of wildlife, birds, habitat, travel and research. Programs are free and open to all and family friendly. Currently, we are offering our programs online.

→ Field Trips
Organized primarily during birding season and led by experienced birdwatchers and biologists.

→ Citizen Science
Annual Bird Counts, where and when and results of local counts, and → Cliff Swallow monitoring during nesting season.

→ Lessons About Birds
Hands-on activities in elementary school classes (new in 2019)

→ Newsletter for Members
Five informative issues each year. Below, please click on a Newsletter date to open the PDF.

The Raven's Newsletter

Our newsletter is published bi-monthly. We encourage you to join National Audubon Society and as well, we hope you will JOIN our local Southwest National Audubon Society chapter and receive “The Ravens” newsletter via email.

Click on a newsletter date to open a Newsletter PDF.

→ Aug, Sep, Oct 2024

→ May, June, July 2024

→ Mar, Apr 2024

→ Jan, Feb 2024

→ Nov, Dec 2023