Our Water Future
Deming Audubon - Water Future
SWNMAS holds Deming Audubon meetings on the second Tuesday of the month and everyone is invited to join us at the La Fonda restaurant at 5:15 pm. The restaurant is located at 601 East Pine Street in Deming. See and hear interesting meeting topics while enjoying Deming’s Mexican food. For more information, contact us at swnmaudubon@gmail.com.
Our Audubon-in-Deming Speakers Series included Norm Gaume, former Director of the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission and retired water resources engineer, Doug Wolfe of Center for Biological Diversity and fish biologist Dave Propst.
Arrange a presentation for your civic group, call Lisa, 534-9284.
- Your Water Future - local water issues program & discussion
- Characteristics & capacities of our water resources in Southwest NM
- Local water use patterns & factors influencing future water needs
- Specific water conservation practices for households, farms, municipalities
- Financial benefits of water conservation
- Gila River value and citizens' role in water conservation plans
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